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Biratnagar, Nepal: Week 2

Mike and I are settled into our work routine with our daily Tuktuk (3-wheel motorcycle/taxi) to and from the filter factory about 15 minutes from our hotel. The star of the show is the portable press that we brought with us, and Mike is making filters daily with it! With the new test kiln completed I have been able to fire 4 filters daily for the last 4 days. This is the routine that will allow us to test multiple variations of filters made from different clays with varying percentages of sawdust and sand. The bottom line is to develop filters with good flow rates and that have the efficacy to remove bacteria from the water.

We now have a kiln! Pradeep found hard and soft ceramic fire brick and materials were purchased to build the test kiln and a bigger permanent kiln. We are on our 4th firing at this point and will continue to fire as long as we are here. I the meantime, plans for a permanent kiln holding 10-12 filters will start in the next day or so as soon as the staging area is complete.

Along with filter making and kiln building and firing, we have been able to visit some of the families in the local area who have had filters for some time now and recheck and test their well water as well as the filter water to make sure the efficacy of the filter is good and that good practices are being met not to re-contaminate filtered water. All families were very welcoming and photos are always in order. Again, always a big thanks to our donors and enjoy the images!

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