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Your donations make an impact – now you can choose how.

Our Giving Level Programs are designed to allow you to choose how you want to make a difference in helping people throughout the world get access to safe drinking water.


How does it work? Just click on a program name that you would like to make a donation to and we will allocate 100% of your gift directly to that program.

Filters for Families

$25 buys a filter that gives a household of 5 people access to clean water

Safe Water at School

$50 pays for 2 filters that provide clean water to 25 school children each day

Truckloads of Hope

$100 covers the cost for one truckload of clay, enough clay to produce 300 filters

Equal Wages for All

$200 equals one month’s salary for a filter factory worker & ensures equal pay for women

Silver for Safety

$2,000 will purchase 1 kilogram of colloidal silver, enough for 5,000 filters

Tools for Testing

$500 purchases 50 bacteria test kits, enough for six months of production

A Pressing Matter

$4,000 bears the cost of labor and materials to construct a hydraulic press needed for long term production

Mixing for Speed

$800 meets the cost of a better clay mixer needed to speed production

Funding for Factories

$6,000 helps us get a big jump-start on funding the construction of another factory

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